Quibids Review – Is Quibids legitimate or a scam?
There are many people out there asking if this site and others like it are scams. While it’s easy to think like that

UPDATE: One of my visitors came to me and said he wrote an eBook about Quibids and that it contained all sorts of tips and tricks on how to win items from Quibids, so I asked him to send me a copy. I’m probably the biggest skeptic I know, so I just had to see and I must say that it was actually a really good read! Of course there are no sure ways to beat the Quibids system, but there are some logical steps you can take to increase your chances. See below for a review on this eBook.
Quibids Review – Are they a scam?
The answer is NO. The game is played with mathematics, timing and a little bit of luck. You as the bidder can bid on anything you want and as much as you want, but be careful…each bid only adds $0.01 to the item and costs you $0.60. Confused yet?! I’ll go over all this is a bit.
Ok, since Quibids is a penny auction, it’s obvious that the bids only increase by 1 cent or in some cases, 2, 10 and 20 cents. The exciting part of this format is that the final values stay relatively low and you can sometimes walk out of there with a $700 item for about $20. Don’t be fooled though–this statement is very similar to saying you can walk into a Vegas casino and take $3500 off a roulette table by betting only $100. It’s doable, but the odds are against you.
How does Quibids work?
They sell you bids and then allow you to use those bids to bid on real products. These products are always very popular items such as Apple iPads, MacBooks, home theatre systems, Blu-ray movies, etc. This is so people are more likely to bid. Here’s how the site breaks down:
- You buy bids for $0.60 each.
- Each bid adds $0.01 to the auction price.
- You compete with other bidders.
- Each auction has a time limit.
- Any bids placed within the last 15 seconds brings the timer back to 15 seconds.
- As certain values are reached, this resettable timer is reduced to 10 seconds.
- If you are the high bidder when the timer reaches zero, you win.
After you win an item, you pay your bid amount plus shipping. Don’t forget to take into account the amount you spent on bids in the first place! One advantage that Quibids has over other similar sites is that if you lose, they let you take the total amount of how many bids you placed to put in as a credit toward buying the item at full price. But they get you here too because the “retail price” is sometimes higher than an actual price you might find at retailers or online shops such as Amazon.com.
How is this profitable?
In case you haven’t seen the business-end of things yet, here you go. Quibids is in the business of selling bids. For just about every bid, they make $0.60. I say “just about” because they do offer free bids, cheap vouchers to get extra bid packs and referral bonuses. But for the sake of this example, we’ll stick with $0.60 per bid.
If you saw an Apple iPad sell for $217.80, Quibids just made $13,068. This is how they can afford to lose money on the sale. After the auction, they simply order you an iPad at retail price which depending on the model can be as low as $499 and ship it to you.
Of course, not every iPad sells for that much. I think the lowest one I saw was $17. Still not bad though, considering Quibids made about $1020 on that sale. The huge savings are passed on to you courtesy of the hundred other bidders that wanted that item as well.
My two cents
I’ve been on the site for about 3 days now and I’ve placed a few bids, but so far I haven’t won anything. I even chased a Blu-ray movie and got beat out because I couldn’t watch the auction. That leads me to my first comment. To play this game, you have to constantly watch. Of course you could use their Bid-O-Matic feature that will place bids on your behalf after you designate how many bids you want to use and what your maximum is, but you still have to be vigilant.
If you want to save your money, your best bet is to watch and watch and watch. Jumping in at the right time seems to be the only true way to win. When is the right time? That’s a tough question because it is easy to sit there and hope everyone else either gives up or goes to sleep. I even expected that people would be working and therefore unable to watch the end of the auction. This is not practical because this site is accessible all over the world, so no matter what day of the week it is or what time of day, there are always thousands of people on the site looking for good deals.
Plus, there’s no restrictions on who can jump in an auction or when. It might be you and one other bidder down to the wire and then all of a sudden, a new guy jumps in with fresh bid counts and maybe even more money than you. My advice if you’re planning on using Quibids is to bid on and win a few of the smaller items first so you can get familiar with the whole process. Once you feel comfortable enough, try something bigger, but always keep this in mind: no matter what anyone ever tells you, there is no “system” to beating this site and getting a good deal. You have to have a little luck and sometimes a lot of money.
Quibids Winners Guide
Anyone who follows my site knows that I never “sell” you anything. I’m here simply to voice an opinion and hopefully help someone along the way. With that said, you can rest assured that if I ever post a link on this site to a product it’s because I either own it myself or I have used it enough to make a comment on it. In this case, I was given a copy of this Quibids buying guide that is supposed to help you win at Quibids auctions. Naturally, I felt like this was just another spammy eBook that contain common sense knowledge and “strategies” that don’t work. I was wrong!
While there are certainly no ways to beat the Quibids system and ensure never-ending victories, there are a few things you can look out for and in time, you can theoretically increase your chances of winning. The eBook is 10 pages in length and doesn’t contain one picture. I mention that because without pictures, you get 10 full pages of actual text that will help you at Quibids. It was written by Mike Tjosvold and he sells the eBook from his Facebook page for $10.99 and that will end up being pennies compared to what you will save on Quibids.
For more information, view the Facebook page for the Ultimate Winning Guide for Quibids. If you decide to buy it, remember these two things: 1. On the PayPal checkout page, tell Mike that Brandon.me referred you and 2. There’s a money-back guarantee if you’re not happy with it.
It looks like the guy who wrote that guide just simply disappeared! Sorry…it actually was pretty useful.
My last piece of advice is that if you’re shooting for a big dollar item, plan to buy it at the retail price because you’ll hate yourself in the morning if you spent $200 trying to get a $500 iPad and didn’t end up paying the price difference!
Fret January 3, 2014
You have to be a fu**cking idiot to even think about using Quibids.
Brandon Hann January 3, 2014
Why? Some people love to gamble. At least with Quibids, you can use your losses toward the purchase of the item you were trying to win in the first place.
Stef July 1, 2021
Agree, they are using a fake accounts to keep from losing money. I noticed the same bidder at all hours. I’ve won and lost but you cannot win against this one. I contacted Quibids and they told me he is a long time account holder. Well so am I. They tell me it’s because he wins bid buster which admitted he wins all the time. I’ve seen people drop out as soon has he starts bidding. He passes the limit. Right now he is in Live Auctions$25 Shell Gift CardAuction #A832926253. Why bid on this one since he will ultimately win. They have created a fake account so they don’t lose money but take yours. They say they will take this seriously which means they don’t care, since it is their own account.
Lens4Hire April 4, 2014
I joined, I won, then they made excuses to cancel my account BEFORE they shipped me anything. I came out ahead and they cut the strings. Conversations with their customer “support” were rude and went no where. Stay away.
Brandon Hann April 4, 2014
Why did they want to cancel your account?
Profileme April 16, 2014
This still seems shady at best. You pay 60$ for 100 bids- never win anything, but those bids can go towards a product at full price (which is higher than standard retail + $60 you paid to begin with) that you could have saved and invested in the exact same product for a normal price without gambling and losing. Uhhh…yeeaahh.. Mmk.
Brandon Hann April 16, 2014
It’s about as shady as putting money into a slot machine and hoping for it to pay you more. Like you said, the point is that Quibids is essentially gambling. You’re “betting” on the possibility of getting a high dollar item for far less than the average retail price. The cost of that betting is in the form of paying for bids.
So yes, you are right that IF your given situation turns out to be true (where you paid more for an item), then of course you could have saved the money and just bought the item cheaper. BUT, what if you won the item at a low cost and ended up paying less than half (or more) of the retail price??
In a nutshell, that’s how all gambling works. Not shady. Not a scam. Just a little bit of luck and a lot a bit of risk.
Ron B June 5, 2014
Then why advertise as an “auction”? With a slot machine I know I’m gambling. If all these penny auction sites called themselves penny raffles, I would doubt they would get the amount of business they get. They are trying to hook people who aren’t computer or internet savvy. You’re a real douche and quibids is making sure your review and other non-scam reviews are at the front of a search engine search.
Brandon Hann June 5, 2014
A slot machine is called such because it used to have a physical slot you dropped a coin in. As for why Quibids is being billed as an “auction” is simply because it uses an auction mechanism. Of course it operates based on selling bids and of course they’re making money hand over fist, but you can’t justify calling them a scam just because there are some ignorant people out there who treat it like eBay and then have no idea why they didn’t win an item yet paid real money for the chance at doing so.
My article was pretty straightforward. A scam is defined as a system used to deceive people out of money or something of value. The ways to do this are endless, but the common thread is that people don’t know they’re being scammed until the jig is up. With Quibids, everything you need to know about it is given to you up front BEFORE you spend a single penny…just like a slot machine. If you’re one of those people don’t read the fine print (actually, regular size print on Quibids.com), then you’re the one who deserves to be “scammed” by an otherwise legitimate system. Quibids isn’t preying on people like scammers do. They aren’t trying to make you think one thing and then present another. They don’t try to hide the facts of how their system works. They aren’t scamming people…that’s plain and simple.
Just because you and lots of other people don’t agree with their business model doesn’t make them a scam. By your logic, I could say Apple is running a scam for bilking customers out of $700 for a phone that only costs around $100 to make.
And to your point about not being internet savvy…to be honest, this is a lame argument. If you’re not savvy at driving a car, you shouldn’t be driving. If you can’t properly manage to read the details on how Quibids works (or any website for that matter), then you shouldn’t be on the internet. Take the responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others for your lack of knowledge.
Ron B June 8, 2014
It is hilarious that businesses today require reviews like yours to promote an air of legitimacy. You’re a huge turd eating douche swallowing quibid’s BS.
Brandon Hann June 8, 2014
Exactly what BS am I swallowing? They run a business…some think it’s a scam, others think it’s shady at best and still others like it. I don’t use them…I tried once, lost some money and wrote a review about my experience FOUR YEARS AGO.
How does any of that make me a “huge turd eating douche”?? Would you be upset if I wrote a review about how I prefer Android phones over the iPhone? This entire site is nothing more than my own opinions on products and services that I use or have used. I don’t get paid to write…I do it as a hobby. Sadly, people like you can’t seem to grasp that concept. If you don’t like Quibids, say so, but you can do it without the name calling.
Bonnee November 28, 2014
it uses an auction mechanism
Sorry but this is not “technically” true. In virtually any type of auction, you place a bid and keep placing it until the highest bidder wins. The heart and beauty of that system is — if you are not the highest bidder, you may walk away disappointed but no less poorer for having made the bid(s).
I do agree that people should read the small print but there is little doubt in my mind that by calling it an auction (rather than equating it to gambling – which is essentially what it is) they are purposely attempting to deceive the public.
Sometimes a duck really is a duck…
Brandon Hann December 3, 2014
When I said “auction mechanism,” I was referring to the bidding process only. An auction is only defined as “a publicly held sale at which property or goods are sold to the highest bidder.” There’s nothing in the definition that says that bids can’t cost money. So Quibids is an auction…they sell items publicly to the highest bidder.
And the losers of an auction aren’t exactly out any money if they choose the option to put all their spent money towards purchasing the item at the regular price. Also, the system won’t let you spend more on bids than the item is worth.
My advice for anyone using this site is to ONLY bid on items you would have normally purchased at the regular price. Then you lose NOTHING.
So in that regard, you can’t actually call Quibids gambling because I’m pretty sure you couldn’t get back the money you put into a slot machine back if you don’t win a jackpot.
Bonnee November 28, 2014
In a nutshell, that’s how all gambling works. Not shady. Not a scam.
Actually, if they don’t come out and CLEARLY state that it is like gambling, it could be regarded as a scam.
I went to sign up over a month ago but felt uncomfortable. (If it’s too good to be true, it probably is… I’ve visited since and was willing to try again but, again, got that feeling.
This time, however, I decided to do even more research and have since found out that because it is set up like gambling, and they are not as honest as they should be in their advertising, it is more like a scam.
They have to know that people are going to equate it to Ebay (in fact, I’m sure they do). The fact that they don’t stress the difference and one has to really dig to know about the initial $60 investment (and the risk of losing it thereof)?
My advice, Stay with Ebay (or other clearly defined auctions) and keep your hard earned money in your pocket.
I, for one, am glad I did and will be more than happy to pass along what I have learned.
Frank B. May 16, 2014
Theyโre a rip-off, period! I joined yesterday and quickly came to that conclusion.
1. They make their money from your initial bid deposit of $60. Everytime you bid, $.50 is deducted from the deposit.
2. Why only show a few ending auctions at a time? Because their shills can better control these few bids, by bidding and always winning.
3. I have a very fast laptop and hub. Whenever Iโd get close to bidding at 1 or 2 seconds left, their website would freeze me out, clear itself, only to show their shill won the item.
4. Then Qbids invites you to buy the item now, always at full retail or higher.
5. Do YOU really think YOU can win computers, tvs, cameras, etc. for mere pennies? What manufacturer would allow that?
Get real peopleโฆall the positive reviews here are posted by their shills. Look at the more honest negative ones.
How does a class action suit sound, Qbids?
Craig Case July 30, 2015
I hope you’re wrong…I’d like to buy stock in QuiBids should they go public.
plisa May 20, 2014
obviously the person who wrote this article was paid by qui-bids. Its a legal scam and your odds of losing money are 97%
Brandon Hann May 20, 2014
I can assure you I did not get paid to write this nor do I have anything to do with Quibids. I don’t even use the site because I’ve never won anything there. I was simply illustrating the facts behind the system.
It’s not a scam because scams are usually systems that take money from people without providing anything in return. While Quibids is certainly not the place to “shop,” it still gives you the chance of getting a nice prize for cheap. It’s similar to gambling. So if you call gambling a scam, then I guess you’d be right. But just remember that scams don’t usually tell you all the terms up front…at least with gambling and Quibids, you know exactly what you’re getting into before you put any money in.
Profileme May 21, 2014
You are right- but it still sucks ๐ lol
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
The only thing you give back in return are broken promises and empty dreams. Followed by an occasional morsel here or there. Just enough of a hit to keep them coming back for more. Like a heroin user. What they give back in return though is far more rewarding. Money, hand over fist, while you make a thousand times profit. Avoid these soft shoe shufflers and go to eBay and find reputable sellers and deal with a real person. Not a home furnishing casino.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
I’m not giving out anything. I have nothing to do with Quibids and this review was written years ago when I tried them out one time. I’m the first to admit that I’ve lost money on the site, but I still feel like I need to clarify that regardless of how they run their business, it’s not a scam…otherwise this would be the most public scam ever and I doubt they would be in business very long if they were ripping people off.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
Ya right. You’re only here out of the middle of nowhere instantly after any random comment 15 days apart from the last to defend the place. If you’re not on the payroll you should be, because you’re the most loyal commenter any company has ever had for free. Talk about dog on a pork chop. I thought it’d be 15 days until the next comment. Not 15 seconds.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
I feel like this article comes to life after a period of nothing so I’m not sure where you’re getting 15 days….I was just on here a day ago too. I generally try to reply to all comments when they are posted, but I do have other things to do in life. It just so happens that I’m sitting at my computer at the moment.
I wish Quibids would pay me something for defending them! The only reason I’m even making an argument is because some people’s definition of a scam is very skewed. But if we’re going down that road, one might argue that eBay is more of a scam because as a seller, I have almost no protections against fraudulent claims from buyers. For example, if a buyer claims they never got an item from me, all they have to do is report it and PayPal (an eBay company) just takes the money from my account and gives it back to the customer until the case is decided. What kind of crap is that?! The only protection I have is a signature confirmation so not even a tracking number works anymore.
But anyway, back to Quibids…maybe you’re calling it a scam because you have no other word to use. Regardless, don’t use their site…I don’t and probably never will again, but it still doesn’t mean they’re ripping people off.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
You’re either the most obsessed qui bids commenter in existence, or an employee. Either reason is cuase for an immediate psych exam and mental help as soon as possible.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
This article is over 4 years old and you’re just now coming here to debate me on such a stupid topic?!
And why do I need a head exam? Because I like to respond to readers of my articles? Even though you’re either the biggest troll ever or you really are this asinine, I still enjoy interaction with people who stop by. That’s one of the reasons why I started this site….to write opinions and receive feedback. I’m sorry you think I do this for money, but I have to be honest with you…blogging doesn’t net a whole lot of income.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
Not as much as being a paid shill, no.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
Huh?! What do you mean?
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
I know. What so ever could I possibly mean? Good acting. If a person was a complete idiot you might fool them.
thetune October 4, 2014
There ate loopholes in every law. Scam is relative and if u ask me they are a retailer. Any retailer who makes 10 times wholesale price someone is getting hurt. Anyone who bids on an item gets hurt. Where have u ever heard of a REAL auction where the losing bidder(s) still pay what they bidder. I wish every time I sold on eBay I got the money that everyone bid!!! let’s say I was selling a $10 item and I got a $1 bid then 1.01 and the winning bidder is at 1.01 next bid 1.02… Crap says the other bidders…so on and so on for a loooong time but by now I get to keep what has been bid so far 3.03 this can go on until the winner gets it for let’s say 3 bucks. WOHHO for me!!! I just sold a $10 item and if you do the math at .01incriments each bid worth bout .60 approx 200 bids $120 on a $10 item The winner jumped in at the last second after all the other bidders gave up and got it. Yep…I only paid x $ for this item but what they don’t tell u is that 100 other people paid x$ for it also…just didn’t win. No wonder the 10 second rule to squeeze every buck they can….ohhh and it can and does end up being A LOT OF $$$ FOR THEM. You saw its not a scam…I saw any person or group of people gettn filthy rich in this manner it is SCAM IN MY BOOK. Like Isaid scam is relative. EEBay holds simple auctions where the winner pays …that simple their cut is small % from seller. With the huge amount of sales they do is how they make so much $$$. Nobody gets hurt…no comparison between the two yet they compare themselves to eBay…they are crooks and great deceptiors of the truth. Kinna makes me sick
Brandon Hann October 4, 2014
The word scam is not relative. It’s pretty well defined. How you choose to use it and what to call a scam is what’s relative. A scam is a process or system that’s designed to purposely deceive people and usually results in financial gain for the scammer and some kind of loss for the victim.
In the case of Quibids, they are of course making money while the bidders are spending money, but what separates this from a scam is that Quibids makes no secret about what they’re doing. It’s no different than a casino offering a machine in which you insert your money and get very little if anything in return.
Just because you think it’s unfair doesn’t mean they’re scamming anyone. And to be honest, if anyone feels scammed by Quibids then they should have read the rules. You wouldn’t feel sorry for someone who got three 7s on a slot machine but didn’t get the big jackpot because they didn’t place the max bet would you? And you probably wouldn’t call the casino a scammer either.
Why do you treat Quibids differently?
Jungle Jim Miller September 3, 2014
Truthshallsetyoufree: STFU already, you whiny bitch!
Profileme September 3, 2014
Right.. I’m sorry I ever commented… It’s been blowing up my damned email! :p
Try to be objective May 31, 2014
QuiBids is definitely not a scam, just keep in mind that it is a business. The way it generates revenues (or pure profits, rather) is actually very brilliant. If you do the math they can sell a product for, conservatively speak, greater than 3 times its retail price at a store in a totally legal way.
The winner gets to purchase the product at a very discount price; on QuiBids’ end, they make a lot of money from different people (AKA the ‘losers’ in the bidding process).
Now, I’m not advocating for QuiBids, in fact, I’m actually against it. Think about it, why should we allow the middleman more than the people such as Apple or Samsung (whose popular products are on QuiBids) who spend the time and effort in researching, developing, and manufacturing the products? I think if you think deeper it is more of a social responsibility than a simple customer decision. Think about how many people Apple and Samsung employe, and think about the few brilliant people behind QuiBids (not idea who they are)… not to say QuiBids’ owners and employees are not noble… but what have they done to better the society?
That’s why I would purchase the products directly from Apple (or other companies) because they have some sort of cause or vision, let’s say to promotion education etc. Bidding on QuiBids would simply flood let’s say 3x the cost of a product to a group of internet entrepreneurs (again, absolutely good people) who probably do not contribute much to the society or advancement of technology industry.
Not the most organized idea, but just a thought.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
Sounds like the very definition of a scam to me. If I used $17 worth of sealer and charged the homeowner $1,200 to seal his driveway I’d be ran out of town and featured on the 6:00 evening news. After I was forced to do 70 hours of community service work, and pay back the money.
And for every item you don’t win you’re losing money. .60 cents per pop. Its no different than slots or lottery tickets. Bid away $600 in bids here and there, scattered across multiple items that you never win, then feel great because you pick up an iPad for $250. Essentially spending $850 for the iPad.
eBay is by far the best place ever to get a good deal. That and Craigslist. Places like this are nothing more than household casinos for suckers. If the type of people they use in their commercial doesn’t give you an idea of how trustworthy this sight is nothing will.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
That wouldn’t be a scam because services are subjective. You can charge whatever you think you’re worth. Your reputation and the market will determine whether you get that price. However, you would be scamming someone if you charged $1200 to seal the driveway and then didn’t end up sealing anything. Like a mechanic who charges you to replace your brakes, but doesn’t…or lies and tells you something is broken on your car and charges you to fix it when there was nothing wrong to begin with.
Quibids defines every single step of the process on their site up front. Call it gambling or a casino for suckers if it makes you feel better, but the fact still remains that you actually can win something for cheaper than retail if you try hard enough. And you may not know this, but you actually never pay more than retail for an item including the money you spent on bids. Every dollar you spend on bids gets used as credit towards the retail cost of the item you were bidding on if you don’t win. So once again, how is that a scam??
But you have to be responsible too…only bid on items you really want and then be willing to pay the retail price. This way, you have a chance to get it cheap, but in case you don’t, you just buy it at the regular price using your bid credits plus the difference. It’s not rocket science…I can’t believe everyone commenting here doesn’t seem to have basic common sense…quite scary if you ask me!
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
Just because people are foolish enough to let you rip them off doesn’t make it any less of a scam. Its an addiction at the very least, and a disease at worse.
People drop .60 in the slot and pull the lever and get 3 alternate pieces of fruit. So they put .60 back in, and pull again. Next thing you know they’ve done emptied the bank account to just get something back. This is no different. You can sell that common core way of justification all day long, but anyone with common sense will see right through it after they realize you only get .01 cents worth of buying power for .60 cents of your own money.
Brandon Hann June 14, 2014
I wouldn’t call it buying power. The game is to beat out the other bidders, not by placing the highest bid like it is on eBay and at real auctions. To beat out the other bidders, you just have to be the last one standing and you have to be able to pay the money to do it. Quibids sells this as an auction experience of course because it makes people think they are bidding on things and get an equal chance it winning. Just like there are hundreds of types of slot machines that draw people in based on their themes like Wheel of Fortune, Monopoly, etc. No matter what special side games a slot machine has or what funny sounds and lights it uses, the insides are all the same…programmable computers used to display a random outcome that determines if you win. It’s all marketing to draw you in…call it shady if you want, but this is how all business and advertising works.
For the last time, Quibids is NOT a shopping site, NOT an auction site, NOT a place to “find deals” and NOT a place for casual shoppers to try their luck. It’s a game and it’s similar to gambling…I don’t use them anymore and I’m not advocating anyone to use them. BUT, the point still remains…regardless of how much you despise their business model, they aren’t a scam.
MR.BOBO June 7, 2014
It’s easy to fool libtardds. Just look who
was elected president. Let them scam suckers.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
This sight is sponsored by deal dash. They’re a bigger rip off than qui bids and are either part of qui bids or their parent company. If that doesn’t tell you this whole setup is a scam, including this write up than you’re a natural born sucker.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
Nobody sponsors my site. I run Google Ads and that’s it. You can see that for yourself. And if you know anything about Google ads, they are based on keywords…I have no choice in picking the ad content.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
I heard of some people who charged .60 a square inch to lay asphalt. They’re serving 8 to 10 right now in federal lockup. They only had $17 in the job and made over $1,000. They thought life was great until the cops showed up at the bank. Qui bids is the internet equivalent. Save yourself your income and sanity and go to eBay if you want a deal. The original fair and honest bidding site.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
What the hell are you talking about? There’s nothing illegal about charging ANY fee for a job as long as you’re up front with what that fee includes and then you make good on your claims/promises. If I told you I’ll fix your computer for $2,000 and you agree AND I perform every task I said I was, then how did I scam you?! If you’re in the market for computer repairs, you should be intelligent enough to know the average market prices for such repairs. As for your example, if you’re citing a specific case, please provide the full story.
Regaeding eBay vs Quibids…they are not to be compared. eBay is where you go to shop for things and find deals when they pop up. Quibids is not a shopping site. It’s a game of chance with the ability to not have any losses. The lottery can’t even claim that.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
“If I told you I’ll fix your computer for $2,000 and you agree AND I perform every task I said I was, then how did I scam you?”
Because by your profit margin, you did $30 worth of work. Beyond scamming. Its raping the customer.
“Quibids is not a shopping site. It’s a game of chance with the ability to not have any losses”
Exactly. Its merely a game. No different than any casino. Instead of winning money though you win a mixer, or a drill. Games are designed to take your money. Just try to knock all the milk bottles down with a softball at the carnival at $1 a pop and see how much money you lose to win that stuffed teddy bear worth .80 cents.
Brandon Hann June 7, 2014
You’re ridiculous if you really believe what you’re saying! Why are you the one that decides that fixing a computer is only $30 worth of labor? Don’t you understood basic business principles? You can charge whatever you think you’re worth…just like a doctor, a lawyer, a mechanic, a photographer, etc. There’s no right or wrong price…other than what the market is willing to pay! Popularity, skillset, reputation, etc all play a part in what people can charge for the services they perform.
And obviously we agree on what Quibids is so I don’t understand why we’re still talking about this!! I’ve already stated that Quibids is like gambling and it’s a game of chance. But neither of those two examples make it a scam….anymore than the casinos on the Vegas Strip. Bad investments sure, but not scams.
ThetruthshaIIsetyoufree June 7, 2014
You’re definition of a scam and the sane man’s idea are two entirely different things. All casinos are scams. Only a tiny minority can beat or cheat the system. You have a major monetary advantage with nearly impossible odds to beat. You air the commercial with women that are as oblivious as can be, making it seem like any airhead can go on there and get any high dollar item for nothing when you have to be a gambling master, or crook to win. Your commercials are very misleading and pray on simpletons that don’t know any better. You are the very definition of scam, and any fool with even the slightest common sense can see you coming a mile away. I’m done fighting with you. eBay is by far the best place to go and is the “Original Fair and Honest Bidding Site”. People can gamble at the boat for a chance to win big. Why waste their time getting paid in cheap kitchen appliances made in China?
Bonnee November 28, 2014
No doubt you are right:
Quibids is not a shopping site. It’s a game of chance with the ability to not have any losses.
It’s too bad they don’t just spell that out clearly on their site.
Brandon Hann December 3, 2014
“With the ability to not have any losses” – That’s the best part! Imagine trying to get your money back on all those Lotto tickets you’ve bought. Or how about asking the casino to give you back the money you deposited into the slot machine?
Ron B June 14, 2014
I bet you don’t even read any of the complaints. FTC has found evidence of bots and shills. Our senior citizens, many who aren’t internet or computer savvy, are often targeted by these penny auction sites. Again, you are a massive DOUCHEBAG!
Brandon Hann June 14, 2014
I haven’t read the complaints. I wrote this article 4 years ago when I tried Quibids one time and wrote a simple review of MY experience. This has nothing to do with what others have experienced then or especially NOW. I have no idea what if anything has changed on the site, so I can’t comment on any of that.
As for the senior citizens, I feel bad for them and anyone who goes onto ANY website where they are promised one thing and given another. But the reality is that the real world is worse in the case of scams and things too good to be true. The thing about Quibids is that have a website that can easily be monitored by any law enforcement agency, they play commercials on tv and radio and many people know about them. The fact that they are still in business proves that at the very least they aren’t scamming anyone. As for shills and bots…I’ve often felt like they have those too, but I can’t prove it, so I can’t say one way or another. To be honest, I find that eBay has a lot more of that going of since I’ve had the displeasure of being scammed quite a bit myself over all my years as a buyer and seller (since 1999).
Regardless, how the hell am I a douchebag? I wrote this article 4 years ago as a review of my own experience which was not entirely negative…I spent some money, tried it out, lost and moved on. Why this article is even still getting this kind of attention is mind boggling!
mmmmm June 18, 2014
Love your coments I wish I had a blog that still got coments on 4 years later,… most people lose the 60 bucks and quit good for them…..
shopaholicgirl12 June 16, 2014
Tried it, didn’t win but business is business. My mom got lucky she won her tv. All we looked to spend was the $60. It was cool. Maybe I will try again another time but for now I am satisfied.
Jace July 10, 2014
Omg people are f*cking stupid! Brandon they have to be trolls man. Or really, really dumb! Might explain our economic problems etc. I’m going to try to respond to as many people as I can because I’m SICK of ignorant bs, and not just about Quibids. Customer service is amazing and way over the top attentive. If you only put in $60, might want to stick with very small items, not the $1000 item. And just go for that one item you want, or better, something your already about to go buy. That’s like trying to pull in $1000 with $10 in Craps.
People talking legitimacy can get bent. Thank god, another outlet to make some damn money, and then help some people get some cool items for a low price if they stand their ground, know how to play well, or are lucky. And it’s great they’re making a fortune, that means they can make good on promises, handle legal problems that are set up to protect you, pay lawsuits for people who may get a scam at no fault of there’s (a hack for example), maybe pay out some charity money or help other companies.
Yes they will absolutely delete your account for anything suspect, real quick. But guess what, if you won an item, was found suspect and deleted you can turn it around with proven legitimacy whatever the reason was and get your item you won. If it’s freezing up on you try using a desktop and Ethernet connection or the Auto-bid option.
They only show a certain amount of auctions at a time for a reason. There are already 1000’s bidding maybe 10,000’s, could you imagine the site traffic if there were 1000’s of items going at once? No you probably can’t. It’s advertised as an auction…. Because it’s an auction. And I definitely don’t recommend this site because it would decrease my chances. Get it?
You don’t need to be computer or internet savvy, or even intelligent. Ever heard of ‘dumb luck’? Yea that’s all you need. Qbids doesn’t need anyone to promote their legitimacy, they pull in 3 – 20 times the retail amount without hurting anyone’s pockets. This is what Craigslist should be! Then people wouldn’t be so damn broke. Imagine you put your bike on Craigslist to get bid on.. Everyone wants your bike but can only bid a penny – half a dollar in the same paid package form as Qbids.. 1000’s of local bids come in. The bike sells for $900, retail was $150. The winner and everyone involved spent .50ยข – a few bucks and that’s a scam? No, a scam is buying a 6th iPhone that does the same as the 3rd, for double the price, that cost a fraction of the price to make, with $1 headphones and a charger that needs to be replaced every month.. Don’t even act like you don’t have a shredded iPhone plug! Socially responsible would be Apple giving every citizen a basic iPhone that will work normally as long as the company was standing, not forcing you to upgrade to the new device because the old one is now so obsolete it’s useless.
^(Brandon let’s make this website bro)^
Apple and Samsung don’t lose any money here. Qbids still has to buy the item from them. I can assure you, Apple would ring them dry if there was a problem. The price the item sells for has nothing to do with the manufacturer. For that matter items sold by major retailers have little to do with manufacturer. Just check Walmart.com’s clearance right now. They can’t even show some prices until you put it in their secured cart to hide it, which in some cases is actually a gimmick and is at retail. But sometimes it really is a bargain at cost plus 10%. I’d rather throw a five at Qbids and maybe win a nice $400 vacuum or something no one was thinking about or was timed just right. These must be the type of people that enjoy Americas coast to coast shopping malls and live on Taco Bell
If your a contractor you can charge whatever the hell you want. It’s your service (??) if they hire you, then you run off or don’t do your service, well then yea go to jail. Maybe you work for eBay and they are paying you to bash Qbids. You don’t get 10 years in prison for a faulty contractor job, the Feds don’t show up at the bank to pick you up and a $30 PC repair does not exist.
Look who was elected president? Look who thinks the president matters.
Deal dash can’t afford to sponsor anyone. This site has no sponsor. Not hard to check. Not hard to check for bots either. They have no bots that bid. They do have a type of bot that determines winners, tracks timing and bid amounts from 1000’s of bidders down to nanoseconds. Yea, you need bots for that.
Nothing like a slot machine. Does a slot machine say, ‘ hey I know you lost, but you want to go ahead and pay $100 and get your jackpot? ‘
The owner Matt Beckham is the f*cking man! And started this site in his garage. He has since won awards as one of the best places to work. And he actually wants the young crowd not old. But what 20 year old wants a toaster? So yea older people are more attracted they are not seeking them. Some 50 year olds can barely open email and have no place in auctions of any kind.
The people running the site are extremely cooperative and invite Feds right in! Negative reviews doesn’t make them real. Your not going to win ANY lawsuits. Worried about your credit card? Take a few minutes, go to the bank, buy a prepaid Visa. Why no Paypal? Because it’s eBay and screw a middleman.. Try something slick and it’s linked to you. Paypal is great for eBay because when eBay scams you, Paypal can protect you. But, it can also be used to scam you, especially if they ‘never receive the item’. And you will be scammed with eBay, and it’s not their fault.
They give you the option to buy retail, because say you spent $250 on an item that sells for $280. They allow you to just drop the extra $30 and go ahead and get it since you would lose the money anyway. That’s pretty fair although that scenario is unlikely. You only lose roughly $10-$20 bucks on a $1000 gamble, usually. Just be careful. QUIBIDS IS NO SCAM
*when your born your given a ticket to the freak show, when your born in America you get a front row seat, it’s up to you to look behind the curtain*
Loki September 23, 2014
Today during signup process, I gave my credit card details without knowing that it will charge me 72$ for 120 bids, i used only 1 bid till now. I registered only to know how it works. But i stupidly gave my card details, i had no idea that its going to deduct money. so without any confirmation how can they do it ?? I guess i didnt read the terms and conditions !!! ๐
TJ October 12, 2014
I am soooo glad I read these reviews 1st! I will never join this site & it will be the topic of discussion at work Monday morning as to spread the word to any of those I know that might be thinking about trying it. This whole operation needs to be SHUT DOWN!!! I’m thinking even sued for reimbursement of some sort. And the nerve to even air those ridiculous commercials/false advertisements on TV. Greedy. Bad people.
Brandon Hann October 12, 2014
We’re with you buddy! Let’s also sue the casinos and all the state lotteries for making people think they have a chance at becoming millionaires.
Or instead, maybe we should do the right thing and teach people to have personal responsibility for their actions and allow individuals to decide for themselves if something is a good deal or not. You know, like we do with the alcohol and tobacco companies who make products that can kill people.
Point is, don’t use Quibids if you don’t want to. I promise they won’t come knocking on your door looking for money nor will they be hacking in to your bank account.
guest December 1, 2014
Is it appropriate in this debate to say: “The House Always Wins” or “The House Always Has the Advantage”………
Brandon Hann December 3, 2014
They do. But this applies to every retailer out there. They use their buying power to buy products at cheaper prices than you can individually and then sell them back to you for a profit.
The one thing with Quibids that everyone keeps overlooking is the fact that if you spent $175 on bids for the latest iPad and LOST the auction, you can take that $175 and apply it toward the retail cost of the iPad and purchase it. In this case, Quibids wouldn’t make any money off of you (unless they mark the retail price up a bit).
So when all the math scholars out here keep touting that Quibids is making $10,000 on a $500 iPad, they are forgetting that many of the people that paid to bid on that item may have ended up applying their bid money to the retail price, thus reducing the amount of bid money Quibids makes per item.
Alan January 10, 2015
It’s not a rip off, I won a few high ticket items and lost a few hundred on bids, you never know It’s good to participate if you already need that product and you are willing to pay the retail price anyway, this way you won’t lose the money.
Don’t expect to buy a $60 bid pack and win a laptop in 10 minutes, it’s not going to happen, maybe only if you are very lucky. Anyway here is an interesting read if you are new to penny auctions: http://www.buzzfeed.com/quibids/quibidscom-guide-how-to-win-quibids-get-free-b-16chd
Daune Brown February 11, 2015
Puma G May 6, 2015
Ebay all day forget all the middle man the side man the up my butt man and the giant crowd of Paula Deen’s that sell Mary Kay cosmetics. Those are also the coupon shopper people that leave the store with pallets of foods and drinks for a total of ”49 cents” and still complain. This is a career and do much planning it’s the scammers, scamming and eventually becoming buddies so now you got a bunch of these people that wake up at 4 am with a full face of makeup in a great mood dressed and ready a long with the company and 1,000+ minions like her AGAINST YOU …Pffft I would rather have a life and pay 2 dollars more cause ,,,
Wohlever July 31, 2015
Stop posting when drunk. Or, more likely, you need to learn how to write and spell.
janik29 June 5, 2015
Good article! Even though I will not use Quibids, (I do not want to win my laptop or camera by gambling), I agree with Brandon on almost all points he explained. Thanks for the good information. People always get attracted by any kind of scheme which offer extreme savings, it is just a human nature! What they don’t understand is, they should educate themselves on how it operates before they get involved. There is no need to get angry or hate because they did not do homework in first place.
Kirill Obraztsov June 20, 2015
I appolagise for the asshols swearing at you and what not. there degrading what it means to be a civilized human. Everyone has there opinions, you don’t have to agree, but you don’t have to start hating because you disagree. You are really just insulting your own intelligence when the only way you can express your opinion is through abusive language.
Brandon Hann June 22, 2015
Thanks for that, but I’m used to it!
CascaRufio July 28, 2015
There is no oversight, so it is highly possible that several thousand people might be getting charged for each one cent increase on a popular item which could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars earned by the site for one $200 item. If a bid is not the winning bid, the user has no way of knowing if the auction did not accept the same bid from others. If for some reason, only a few people are bidding, and only a few bids, they can have a bot outbid at the last moment and retain the item. They still get to keep the bid fees, and there is no way for users to know that no one actually got the item. As slim as your chances are, there is a better percentage return from lottery tickets. This should be treated as, and require oversight as, online gambling.
Craig Case July 30, 2015
The product manufacturer gets full price (I can’t guarantee that but based on this system, they should)…QuiBids makes a fortune and the auction winner gets a great deal….if QuiBids is an honest business…it will be the next huge thing on earth.