Microsoft Removes Controversial Xbox One Features

Microsoft Removes Controversial Xbox One Features

Perhaps it was the pressure from those new Sony PS4 commercials or maybe it really was the opinions and comments from the gaming community, but whatever it was for sure, Microsoft has proven that they aren’t as stupid as some people originally thought. Microsoft Removes Controversial Xbox One Features was last modified: June 20th, 2013 ..

Do We Own The Right To Sell Used Games?

Do We Own The Right To Sell Used Games?

So the Xbox One supposedly doesn’t allow us to play used games?! Many gamers are complaining that the Xbox One has some major flaws already and one of them is the fact that the console must check into the internet every 24 hours and the other is the lack of a used game market. Well, ..

New Xbox One Requires 24-hour Online Check

New Xbox One Requires 24-hour Online Check

UPDATE: Microsoft removed the 24-hour online check Ever since news of the Xbox One was officially announced back in May, gamers and industry followers were speculating as usual when a new piece of tech hits the market, but there were at least two “features” that were less desired than a nuclear holocaust. For starters, the ..

Microsoft's New Xbox – The Xbox One

Microsoft's New Xbox – The Xbox One

Launching later this year, the new Xbox One promises to be a one-stop-shop for all things entertainment with gaming at the helm. From a strictly specification standpoint, the Xbox One isn’t all that impressive. But given the 8 year span between this model and the release of the Xbox 360, it doesn’t seem like better ..

NEW Xbox Revealed Today – XboxOne!!
First Look at Windows 8 Pro on a Desktop PC

First Look at Windows 8 Pro on a Desktop PC

I got my copy of Windows 8 today thanks to Amazon’s super fast 2-day shipping and I’ve just spent the last 2 hours upgrading my Windows 7 PC and playing with Windows 8. So far, I’ve been able to sort out my tiled Start menu, install a few apps and learn how to do some ..